Meet Our Technical Team

Ivaylo Nikolov

Over 18 years of professional experience, all of them in start up companies where I was the cofounder. A passionate learner investing most personal time closely following latest technological and development trends.

Ekta Ravalia

Sr SEO and Online Marketing professional with over 8 years of experience working in the information technology and services industry. I have Graduated in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, and my background is solidly rooted in the world of SEO and Digital Marketing.

Harshilsinh Zala

I am working as a technical guy with all the solutions. I’ve started with ISSG as one of the founding members of the team. I have an expertise in Website designing, Server Management and other technical work.

Kandil Lad

I connect technology to people. I’m a UI/UX (User interface/user experience) designer and project manager. My job is to use my problem-solving skills to make things easier for people. I can manage complex projects and teams with my networking and negotiation skills, and I quickly see where people need help.