Ivaylo Nikolov

  • Over 18 years of professional experience, all of them in start-up companies where I was the cofounder.
  • A passionate learner investing most personal time closely following the latest technological and development trends.
  • Started with Mobile development sing J2ME, BlackBerry, and just coming Android and iOS platfomms, now specialized in DevOps, administration, project architectures, cloud technologies.
  • Worked in different sized teams but fits best in startup environments.
  • Spending 12 years in the sharing experience in know-how in a local university.
  • Often the go-to person for the team. Leads by earned respect, not by title and force.
  • Developed competence in: Amazon Web Services (AWS) • Docker • Virtualization • Cloud Architecture • Cloud-Native Architecture • Software Architecture And Development • Web Development • Relational • Databases (SQL) • NoSQL Databases • GraphQL • REST/RESTful APIs • DevOps • Microservices • Ecommerce • Streaming/Video Streaming